Feral Sins by Suzanne Wright

“You motherfucking ass-licking son of a goddamn cock-sucking bitch!”

“You cock-smoki13522957ng shitfaced motherfucking piece of monkey shit,” she growled.

So for the record I LOVE, LOVE and let me say it again LOVE Suzanne Wright’s new heroine, Taryn Warner. This first book, Feral Sins, is the  first book in the new series entitled Phoenix Pack. The book was surprisingly invigorating, almost like a breath of fresh air.

The main character, Taryn is one of my favorite heroines of all time.  Why is she so different from all the book heroines? For one, even though she is a latent wolf shifter, she keeps her head held up high. She doesn’t let it bring her down. If you mess with her, you better be prepared to get verbally, if not physically thrashed. Taryn makes sure everyone knows that latent is not the equivalent of incompetent, or even a rug you can just walk on. She lives on her own terms, which is so refreshing from the constant female “oh please help me” characters. That being said, Taryn isn’t the only appealing/captivating/invigorating character.

This book reminds me of the typical k-drama, girl is forced by her father to marry an incompetent prick, and hot guy needs girl to help him out. All in all, how do we resolve this issue? Well of course, let’s create a fake marriage (in shifter terms, a fake true mating). Throughout the book we follow the journey of how Trey and Taryn’s mating evolve into (hopefully) something more.

I don’t think the story itself will fully capture the audience. The simplicity and lack of originality of the book, will most likely deter some. However, this negative aspect is what will also draw readers to read Feral Sins, people will know what to expect, and thus, feel at home reading the book. Furthermore, Ms. Wright’s ability to create interesting and well rounded characters is what has kept me riveted to each page, not to mention she has the best witty comebacks I have heard in a long time (I wish I had that skill, seriously). Taryn isn’t the damsel in distress, she says what she wants and she wont be walked all over. For example, Trey’s grandmother Greta, is your typical cranky jaded elderly woman, who thinks know one is good enough for her grandson. In turn, she literally has a battle of wills with Taryn, constantly. One of Taryn’s lines, “is there any way you could just pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow?” I literally started tearing up, and laughing my heart out. You know a book is good when it gives you a good laugh. This aspect alone is what will give it a 5 stars personally.  Furthermore,I love strong female characters, so if I find one, its almost a guarantee i’ll try the book out, or read it, and even love it.

Overall i give it a 5 for personal like, and a 4 for constructive criticism. As mentioned before the lack of originality, simplicity, and in some cases predictability, is what kept it from a 5. So do I recommend this book? Yes. Remember it is a Romance genre novel, even though it is labeled Urban Fantasy. There are intense sexual scenes, so if you don’t like any of those, I recommend something else, maybe the Mercy Thompson series or Kate Daniels, which both have strong female leads, but more story oriented than romance propelled. However, if you just want to read a good romance novel with a strong, witty, sharp tongued female lead, and an alpha male who likes to get what he wants, plus the well developed and interesting side characters please read the book. All the characters had there own charm, even Selma, the mandatory cliche female that everyone hates. I hope you like this book as much as I did! if you did please check on the second book Wicked Cravings, which is already out. Enjoy!

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